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Maharashtra, India
Public Third Place

Sameep Padora
Year: 2016
Firm: Sameep Padora and Associates
Firm Location: India
Team Members: Aparna Dhareshwar, Karan Bhat, Kriti Veerappan, Aniket Umaria
The project for a Buddhist Learning and Skill Development center in Sakarwadi, provided an opportunity for
us to investi- gate the criticality of the notion of the re- gional whilst engaging with the local com- munity.
Collaborating with the team of experts from Kutch we evolved construc- tion techniques that attempt to
leverage a local materiality of stabilized stone quarry dust and fly ash and salvaged mangalore tiles with
pedagogy of knowledge that is globally informed.
The project is planned around existing trees almost creating pavilions within
the dense forestation while the buildings sectionally respond to views of the dense foliage around them. The
entire project is designed to be built by local workers and members of the local community trained by master
craftsman from Kutch.

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