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Future Second Place
Mosque of the Light
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Nick Karintzaidis
Year: 2015
Firm: Studio Niko Kapa
Firm Location: UAE
A flexible building framework that can be easily assembled forms the structure. On this simple structural steel
framing, series of fabric elements are hanged in order to define the interior space. Fabrics are distributed
following a specific modulation and are used as spatial organization elements, allowing for the powerful
plasticity of the design while responding to specific functional demands.
The cooling pond around the Mosque utilizes grey water from the surrounding buildings. An embedded
sprinkler system uses the grey water in order to moist the fabrics on the perimeter of the building envelope.
The gaps between the curtains allow for the air to circulate and through the resulting evaporation they cool
the space, enhancing the natural ventilation.

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