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First Place – Interior Architecture

It’s Just a Matter of Time / ARCOmadrid 2020

Architect: Angela Juarranz

Design Team: Photographs: Javier de Paz García


It’s Just a Matter of Time is the special proposal in the edition of ARCOmadrid 2020. The project analyses some of Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s influence on contemporary art practices. It is conceived as an open space in which to explore the temporal dimension of the title. The conceptual and political foundations of contemporary art practices are directly transposed into a permeable and open space, a layout that encourages public participation and helps understand the interrelationship between the selected pieces. In this environment, the fair’s space dilutes the ‘stand’ model in favour of an architecture capable of creating an inclusive space with a continuous passage through the infiltrated objects. It’s Just a Matter of Time arises from the essential purpose of stopping the pace of the visit and offering a place of reflection on the work of all the invited artists.

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